Legionaries of Christi Mass Request Program logo
Legionaries of Christi Mass Request Program logo

Easter is a season of profound transformation, a time when the old gives way to the new and the broken is made whole. It is a reminder that God’s power is made perfect in weakness, and that His grace is sufficient for all our needs.

Easter Offerings

Individual Mass

A single Holy Mass will be offered by a Legionary priest for your intentions or the intentions of your loved ones, living or deceased.

Triduum of Masses

A series of three Masses offered by a Legionary priest on consecutive days exclusively for your intentions or the intentions of your loved ones, living or deceased.

Individual Novena

A series of nine Masses offered by a Legionary priest for your intentions or the intentions of your loved ones, living or deceased.

Group Novena

APRIL 20th – April 28th

Your intentions will be remembered in our Easter Novena of Masses where you will Share in the joy of our Lord’s Resurrection at our seminary in Cheshire, Connecticut.

Mass is the foundation of worship in the life of a Roman Catholic. At Mass, eternity and time intersect. It is part of God’s plan of salvation that we would be able to meet Him directly and receive His grace through this sacrament.

Prayer for Pope Francis

Pope Francis has asked for continuous prayers for his health and is "touched by the numerous messages of affection and closeness that he has been receiving."

A special Mass for the Pope's health is being celebrated at the Legionaries of Christ seminary in Cheshire, CT. We ask that you join us in prayer for God to grant him healing, strength, and mercy.

Let us pray for you

Legionaries of Christ Mass Request

Mass Offerings

The Legionaries of Christ would be honored to remember your intentions at their daily celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Legionaries of Christ Mass Request

Let Us Pray for You

A special gift of prayer; you or your loved ones will be remembered in a Mass offered every Friday at our seminary in Cheshire, and in our seminarians’ daily Adoration.

Legionaries of Christ Mass Request

Stay Connected

Be the first to know about our upcoming Novenas and Masses, receive invitations to our live-streaming events from our LC seminary, and more!


To love Christ with passion

Christ-centeredness constitutes the fundamental and specific characteristic of the Legionary spirit. Therefore, aided by God’s grace, Legionaries strive to make Christ Jesus the center, standard, and example of their lives as religious, priests and apostles. They seek to know, love, and experience him intimately, above all in the Gospel, the Eucharist, and the Cross, and strive to imitate him in a special way through self-giving to their neighbor.  (Constitution 9)

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