LC Mass Request

Legionaries of Christi Mass Request Program logo

Welcome to the LC Mass Program 

Do you really know the benefits of the Catholic Mass?

The Eucharist is the sacrament of love: it signifies love, it produces love. The Eucharist is the consummation of the whole spiritual life.

The Legionaries of Christ Mass Request program strives to show you the love and sacramental benefits of the Holy Mass by providing you with our first-ever Monthly Newsletter. Our newsletter is a source for staying informed about the latest events, opportunities, novenas, and the Legionaries of Christ around the world, and more importantly, it will provide you with all updates on the activities at the Seminary in Cheshire, where our seminarians are undergoing rigorous training to become dedicated priests inspired by God. These Legionary priests will be the ones celebrating the Masses you request.  


We want to welcome you to our website and blog page where we will publish personal testimonies, articles, and Legionaries of Christ news from around the world. Please consider subscribing to our newsletter to receive these stories to your email.


Please subscribe to our newsletter. I know you don’t want to miss the latest industry news and our special Mass offerings. But more importantly, you don’t want to miss the spiritual nourishment that this newsletter will give to you and your loved ones! 



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