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The Dignity of the Priesthood

Dignity of Priesthood
Who are the Legionaries of Christ, and what is our mission?
The mission of the Legionaries of Christ is to form apostles- Christian leaders at the service of the Church. Driven by the desire of Jesus’ heart to set the world ablaze, the religious priests of the Legionaries of Christ support each other and work in communion with other Regnum Christi members in their mission to form apostles—people who let the love of Christ the King transform their hearts, their families, and their world.
The Legionaries of Christ Novitiate and College of Humanities are committed to the formation and education of our seminarians, preparing them for their evangelizing mission as priests in today’s world. Without priests, there would not be the Holy Mass or the Eucharist, nor would there be a Legion Mass program to ensure all your special intentions are being met. As we think of our upcoming sacrament of Holy Orders, the Legion’s ordinations on April… we can reflect on what St. John Vianney said:
“This sacrament raises man up to God. What is a priest? A man who holds the place of God—a man who is invested with all the powers of God. ‘Go,’ said our Lord to the priest; ‘as My Father sent me, I send you. All power has been given me in Heaven and on earth, go then and teach all nations… He who listens to you, listens to me; he who despises you despises me.’”
Blessed Concepcion Cabrera de Armida received these words from Christ regarding the priesthood: “If all the bodies of Christians are temples of the Holy Spirit, the bodies of priests, anointed at their ordination, ought to be, in their transformation into Me, as the primordial center of my Holy Spirit in the world, his dwelling place. His rest, wherein He will dwell without grieving this divine Spirit of charity, which wants to be diffused through the entire being and faculties of the Priest. Priests pass from being simply men to other Me’s themselves in virtue of their ordination, and the entire Trinity dwells in them with an intimate and indissoluble union. Although they sin, they will lose the grace until they restore it, but the mark of the Trinity is never able to be wiped out, the seal that the Divinity imprints on their souls the happy day of ordination.”
Please pray for our 20 Deacons who will be ordained on April 27th, 2024. Click here to have a Mass said for our newly ordained priests.
To learn more about the Legionaries of Christ 2024 Priestly Ordinations, click here.



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